Wooden Tree

After Serge Danot.
Sculpture, 2014.
Wood (plywood and pine), acrylic paint, newspaper.
Production La Galerie du Dourven.
This of a red tree was created for the exhibition «Flying Black Cow Utopie Club» at the Galerie du Dourven in 2014. I had remarked upon the large number of dog-walkers who benefitted from the park. However they didn’t come into the gallery because of the house rules. In order to open the gallery and art itself to a wider public, I persuaded Didier Lamadé, director of the gallery to change the rules. With the dogs now in the gallery, I now need to also think about the interests of our canine friends. So I decided to bring a tree into the space. I didn’t want a «natural» tree. More an «artificiel» tree. I rapidly remembered a children’s TV programme from my childhood, «The Magic Roundabout», a masterpiece by Serge Danot.
Didier Lamandé and David Michael Clarke in front of the red. Wooden Tree. Flying Black Cow Utopia Club. Galerie du Dourven. 2014.
Other Exhibitions
Outside-In. Exposition avec Anabelle Hulaut. La Chapelle du Genêteil, Château Gontier, 2015