Rabbits & Dogs
Video HD, 2013.10 mins.
Video HD, 2013.10 mins.
Shady Grove, a collaborative studio project by Neal Beggs. Galerie Paradise, Nantes. 18th to 21st April 2013. David Michael Clarke, Yaïr Barelli, Romain Rambaud, Elsa Tomkowiak, Damien Moreira, Florian…
Chez Alice & Michel. St Paul Cap de Joux. Afiac, 2012. Foreword # 01 I recently discovered Piacé-le-Radieux, the project for rural life that was imagined by Le Corbusier and…
Real-Life Girlfriend (it’s no game) , 2003. C-type photograph mounted on dibond. 75cm x 110cm. When two artists meet, life becomes complicated. When two artists meet and…