DMC Light

DMC Light (after On Kawara).

Various media, 2003.
C-type photograph, neon, postcards.
Production : Le Lieu Unique, Nantes / Coca-Cola Light
DMC Light, 2003. C-type photograph, Neon, Postcards. Production: Le Lieu Unique, Nantes / Coca-Cola Light. © David Michael Clarke ADAGP
This piece was made during a very particular residency with Lieu Unique, Nantes. The residency was sponsored by ‘Coca-Cola Light’. Thus I decided to work on a ‘light’ version of myself. With another artist friend, I spent one month in an isolated cabin located in the sand dunes of Normandy. In comparison with my usual routine, I ate less and engaged in augmented physical activity. All the information concerning these activities and corporal developments was relayed to Lieu Unique by postcard.
Today I ate…
Today I did…