Holophane Judd

Sculpture, 2015.
Recovered lamposts. Variable dimensions.
Production Le Carré.
The «Holophane Judd» series was made for the exhibition «Outside-In» with Anabelle Hulaut, at the Chapelle du Genêteil in 2015. Anabelle and I had decided at a very early stage that the lighting level in the show would be very low. We wanted to evoke the «twilight zone». Independently, I had noticed that the town council for Château-Gontier, like many other councils were taking down their old modernist lampposts and replacing them with low energy contemporary models. I managed to recover five such lampposts. I took them to the local car-body workshop and ordered the Donald Judd treatment.
Outside-In. Exhibition with Anabelle Hulaut. La Chapelle du Genêteil, Château Gontier, 2015
Other Exhibitions
The night of the Museums. Musée d’Art et d’Histoire de Château Gontier, 2016
The Stuff of Dreams. Musée Calbet, Grisolles, 2016
Maison Modèle. Le Radar, Bayeux, 2017